Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Museum Curator Activity

Anna Lepore

Honors History 10 

     In class, we did an activity called the Museum Curator.  We were broken up into groups and given several printouts with images on them relating to the Industrial Revolution.  We had to analyze our several sources and figure out how they were all related.  Then we created a catchy title for our sources since we were making them into an exhibit.  All of the sources that my group had showed the evolution of machines in the factories.  We had images of a hand loom, an almond loom, a mechanized loom, and a textile mill.  It was interesting to learn about each of the machines and how they worked.  The title we came up with for our exhibit was called "Just Keep Spinning", in reference to Finding Nemo.  I enjoyed curating although there were a few bumps along the road.  

    Once all of the groups were finished with the curating process, we hung our posters up on the walls in the hallway so it gave us the experience of being at a museum, looking at the exhibits.  We walked around independently and took notes of all of the exhibits.  The first exhibit I looked at was one called "America Runs on Steam Engine."  The exhibit displayed information on the steam engine and what inventions it lead to such as steam boats and trains.  Next, I looked at an exhibit called "Making Money, Destroying Neighborhoods."  This exhibit was mainly about the pollution caused from the factories during the Industrial Revolution.  The third exhibit I visited was called "Is the Pain Worth the Gain?"  I found this particular exhibit to be really interesting because I did not know how gruesome the working and living conditions were for the children during the Industrial Revolution.  The last exhibit I visited was called, "Prosperity at the cost of people."  This exhibit displayed information on slavery and the statistics.  Overall, I enjoyed learning about different aspects of the Industrial Revolution through the Museum Curator activity.       

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