Monday, December 22, 2014

Andrew Jackson, Good or bad president?

Essential Question: Is Andrew Jackon's long-standing reputation as "the people's president" deserved?  Why?  Why not?

In the History of the presidents' of the United States, Andrew Jackson was remembered for being "the people's president".  This reputation does not make sense considering Andrew Jackson's actions towards the Native Americans.  He does not deserve to be remembered for being "the people's president" because that would mean that he was good to all of the people and did everything on their behalf.  Although that is quite impossible for a president to do, Jackson absolutely did not have to force the natives to move west away from their homes and into a territory where they were easy targets for other tribes in the west.  Jackson made them leave because he wanted to expand the United States.  This is the main reason why Andrew Jackson definitely does not deserve the long-standing reputation as "the people's president."  Here are the major events that occurred during Andrew Jackson's presidency briefly summarized:

 The spoils system was a practice where a political party after winning its elections, it gave the jobs to its supporters so they would keep supporting the party.  Andrew Jackson created the Spoils system and not everyone was a fan of it.  In fact, 919 officials were removed and therefore, the idea of loyalty being better than competence was popular.

Next, there was the event where the Indians were removed from there homes and sent to live in the west with the dangerous threat of the other tribes living there.  Since the white settlers were moving in on their land, and with the command of the president to leave, the Indians had no choice but to venture west.  The trip to the west took place in the harsh winter and 10,000 Cherokee Indians died on the trip.  Many of  the Indians along the way went their own path and the pack grew smaller and smaller.  All of this happened because Andrew Jackson wanted to extend the United states.

Lastly, the Bank War was a  major issue that occurred during the presidency of Andrew Jackson.  The bank was established by congress as a part of the American system.  It gave unfair treatment to the wealthy classes over the poor.  Jackson was strongly against the bank as an institution.  He wrote a letter to congress stating that the bank had too much power and that it was a threat to liberty and independence.  This was one of the good things that Jefferson did to help the unfair treatment of his people.

My group created this fun video describing the Bank War, enjoy!

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